Career Advice

The New Year Resolutions Every Lawyer Should Consider

Kevin Sinnott
July 26, 2022

So here you are – the New Year’s celebrations seem like a distant memory. You’ve resumed the usual position in front of your monitor. The work calendar is already full of commitments for the year ahead and resolutions you said you’d commit to.

Writing out New Year’s Resolutions may have sounded like a great idea at the time, but the doubt is starting to creep up on you. Where the goals too ambitious? Are twelve months really enough to grow in a professional capacity?

Truthfully this is a feeling every lawyer has experienced. Still need convincing? We have put together a list of resolutions to help you reimagine what your 2019 could look like:

1. Create your Career

Like Steve Jobs once said, ‘Your work is going to fill a large part of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.’

For us that is a career that lights you up. The type of career others look to for inspiration. To do this, schedule a meeting with your supervisor to let them know that you have aspirations of growing in your law firm. Or attend workshops and events on career development for lawyers to learn more about how to create a career plan that lights you up. Don’t wait for the inspiration to come – go out and find it yourself!

2. Commit to Creating the Day (vs. Reacting to It)

So much of our day, if we let it be so, is in reactive mode- emails, calls, meetings.

With so little time dedicated to proactive work that helps us meet our professional goals, such as reading, researching, learning and questioning.

Make this year the year you create your own timetable as opposed to the one your emails force you to have.

With emails being a huge cause of distraction and diminished productivity, a helpful strategy would be to carve out time in the morning (or evening if that’s your preference) where emails are placed on auto response for emergencies, and your focus is exclusively placed on the one task. A recommended read that clearly defines this concept and provides great strategies for increased productivity in your day to day life is “Deep Focus” by Cal Newport.

3. Build and Expand your Network of Mentors

You have probably heard the popular saying, ‘Each one reach one, each one teach one. Until all are taught’. The role a mentor plays in a lawyer of any age’s career cannot be ignored. However with busy schedules and personal life demands it is always easy (or convenient!) to invest in a relationship with a mentor or a mentee. Luckily for you, many mentorship programs are often offered by senior lawyers, or there are formalised programs available internally. But as mentioned earlier, don’t expect these opportunities to just fall into your lap! If there’s someone you admire, even in another career stream, reach out and ask for a meeting (make your reasoning compelling and add value to them as best you can). People are willing to help more than we realise!

4. Less Job Searching, More Working

Looking for work in the legal field is challenging and will likely result in lawyers becoming disengaged with their current work. One way to stay focused on work and do less job searching is to reach out to a recruitment agency to do the hard work for you.

Sonder Consultants are a boutique legal recruitment firm specialising in both in-house and private practice, and have opportunities in domestic and international markets. For more information on career advice or opportunities in your respective field. Contact Kevin for a confidential discussion on: email kevin.sinnott@sonderconsultants or give him a call on 02 8277 4511

“Change your thoughts and you change your world.”
– Norman Vincent Peale

Kevin Sinnott
Managing Director

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