Getting to Know Aisha Brinkwart

Written By:
Cecilya Amorim
Marketing Executive
Aisha Brinkwart recently became a valuable addition to the Sonder team, assuming the role of Senior Consultant in April 2024, stationed in New York. With a robust background in legal recruitment, Aisha brings extensive expertise in navigating the intricate landscapes of the New York and East Coast markets. Her profound understanding and strategic positioning make her the ideal ally in landing your dream role within a U.S. law firm.

Learn more about Aisha and her story below, and if you're a lawyer that is interested in making a domestic or international move or want to discuss the legal market in general, please do not hesitate to contact Aisha on

1) Where are you from?

Cold Spring Harbor, New York

2) How did you get into recruitment?

I transitioned from Legal Sales, a role that lacked fulfillment, to a new path focused on assisting individuals in discovering their dream legal career.

3) Best piece of advice for lawyers looking to elevate their career?

Be sincere and let us recruiters do our best to help you find a new opportunity!

4) Favourite restaurant in New York?

Tanoshi Sushi – a reasonable priced Omakase and it’s BYOB.

5) Favourite thing about living in New York?

EVERYTHING and my fav thing is showing friends from outside of NYC the best spots! 

6) Best place you ever visited/favourite holiday location?

Florence Italy, it’s dreamy.

7) What do you like the most about working at Sonder Consultants?

The people. Everyone has welcomed me with open arms!

8) Biggest inspiration/role mode? (dead or alive)

My Oma (grandmother) - taught me kindness is the greatest skill one can possess.

9) Favourite book/film?

Forest Gump.

10) If you were marooned on a desert island, what one item would you bring with you?

I guess I should be thoughtful with this and not say my SodaStream so maybe a tent?

11) If you were president for a day, what would you change in the world?

Healthcare – why aren’t we all entitled to it?!

12) What's something about you that surprises people when they learn it?

I’m half Kenyan!

13) What's a skill or hobby you've always wanted to learn but haven't had the chance to yet?

Generally be more handy and fix things without having to call my Dad.

14) Favourite interview question to ask?

Do you work best with people or on your own?

15) Biggest interview faux pas?

Not looking people in the eye,

16) If you could invite anyone (dead or alive) to a private dinner party, who would you invite?

Bob Marley he’s the GOAT.